Gothic/ horror short-stories

juillet 8, 2021

4eme Mrs Germain group School Year 2020-2021Nouvelles gothiques : groupe d’anglais . Programme : ‘langage’ et ‘rencontre avec d’autres cultures’.

                The Legless Women

In the outskirts of London, the Smith family had a very nice house with a huge garden and a big garage. Tonic the dog was playing with Hannah the daughter. Her father Henry was an important man; he was very often invited to dinners with his wife Jemma. Indeed they were invited by the Aston Martin’s owner’s house. They weren’t the type of parents that would watch TV but on that day, they were about to regret it.  

On every news channel they were talking about this legless psychopath that had escaped from her hospital. They asked everybody to stay in their houses and lock all windows and doors. 

Hannah was sadly playing alone while her parents were going to the Aston Martin’s owner’s house for dinner. It was 10 past midnight, it was bedtime. Tonic was sleeping below Hannah’s bed as usual. A loud sound had woken Hannah, the sound was coming from the living room. She told herself that it was nothing. A few minutes later she heard another sound, her heart was beating a thousand times more than usual.

Everytime she was scared she would put her hand under her bed and Tonic would lick her hand to appease her. The sound was now going up the stairs, towards her room. She decided to go and check what was making this sound but she couldn’t see anything. Hannah decided to run to her bed, Tonic once again was licking her hand. She had to go to the bathroom, when she opened the door she saw Tonic decapitated in the bath and on the wall was written with Tonic’s blood NOT ONLY YOUR DOG CAN LICK YOUR HAND

Umberto B. (4B)

My Horror Story

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Maurice. She had a sickness that was developed by molds in their house. Her parents were doing everything they could to find a new home and get her treated but they were so poor that this wasn’t a possibility. Maurice was in the hospital near their village and got a major infection because of the unsanitized supplies, later that night she passed away. The parents were devastated and made a fuss about the unprofessional hospital. A year later her parents moved to another country because they didn’t want to live in a house that reminded them so much of Maurice and they were scared to get the same mold-related disease as her. Their original house was sold to a 30-year-old woman who used to work at the hospital Maurice died in. The parents didn’t know about it otherwise they wouldn’t have sold it to her. The woman that started to live there was named Chantal. One night when Chantal was excited about her new home she invited her friend to come over. She opened the door and she saw a dead body hanging on the door. It was her friend. Chantal was so terrified that she couldn’t take a breath. She started screaming so loudly and then she called the police. The policeman that answered introduced himself as “Officer Maurice  ». Chantal remembered Maurice very well and she was shaking inside, but she at first thought it was a coincidence. The police came and took the body. They left Chantal shaking and weren’t even worried about her mental health after a traumatic situation like this one. She cried all night, she couldn’t sleep. What she had seen on that day was in her mind every next second of her life. Later that night she went to the kitchen to take a knife, she thought that would make her feel safer in this house. She eventually fell asleep after an exhausting night like that one. When she woke up her room was covered with Maurices’s pictures. Every single centimeter. There was also a red bloody sign saying “blood on your hands.” She was in such a shock that you could’t explain that with words. She got out of the house shaking and drove to her other friend’s house. She told her about what happened on that day and the day before. Her friend was terrified by the sudden death but she thought that the pictures were a joke. She was still a little creeped out that someone entered the house while she was asleep. Chantal asked her friend if she could stay over for a while and her friend of course said yes. She woke up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare she had. Then she saw someone in the living room. She thought it was her friends sitting on the couch and watching something. She called her and when she turned around it was not her friend…it was Maurice. She started screaming and woke her friend but the problem was that the friend didn’t see anyone there. She said to Chantal that it was  probably a hallucination caused by her trauma. They both were still kinda frightened and couldn’t fall asleep knowing that this could also be a ghost. When the sunrise started they were relieved, they couldn’t stay one minute longer in this darkness. The morning was absolutely normal but her friend had to go to work so she left Chantal all alone. Chantal tried to explain to herself that these were hallucinations. She absolutely couldn’t sit on this couch after what she had seen. She was hungry but wasn’t in the mood to cook so she ordered a pizza. So the pizza delivery guy knocked on the door, at least that was what she thought. She opened the door and saw a little girl crying. It wasn’t Maurice, that was what made her feel relieved. She was still creeped out but the girl insisted on coming inside. She couldn’t stop her. The pizza guy came in and brought the pizza. The mysterious girl ate the pizza with Chantal. Chantal asked why she was crying and she said “My sister died”. Chantal was kinda shocked and said “I’m so sorry for you, what was her name?” the girl answered “Maurice” and then got immediately out of the apartment. Chantal couldn’t handle it anymore. Her anxiety, hallucinations and stress were too much for her. When her friend came back she was feeling safer but still not safe enough. She had multiple panic attacks and visions with Maurice. But they were all only visible to her. She went to the bathroom and when she got out her friend was dead. Her head was cut and Chantal jumped. Suddenly her friend’s head started talking. It said “It’s all your fault, are you happy?” and made the creepiest smile in the world. Chantal was not even shaking anymore. She was paralyzed. She couldn’t move. Then she called the police. THE SAME OFFICER CAME. He was really shocked that it was the second murder this week and Chantal was again on the death place. She tried to explain everything she experienced this week but all they did was understand that she killed a girl named Maurice and then two other people. She didn’t have any firm evidence to prove them wrong but inside she couldn’t believe what a nightmare it had been. She was convicted of double homocide because they found out that the cause of death of those Maurices was not a murder. She was sentended to a death penalty. No lawyer wanted her case because she didn’t have any money. All she had she used on the house. On May 5 1978 Chantal Burgin was killed by the state penitentiary. On May 5 1979 a woman about 25 years old appeared in this prison for double homicide. Her name was Maurice. 

Ewa C. (4C)

It was a cold night of 1981. The moon was hidden by the clouds. In London, there lived a man. He was alone in his home. That night, the wind was making screaming sounds, and the window was making disturbing noises. The man couldn’t sleep. He was trying desperately to, but he just couldn’t. He woke up and went down to make tea. But then, a strange noise came to his ears : the door was opening. He thought it was nothing and didn’t care. But one minute later, the same strange noise came to  his ears. And then, foot steps. Tip  Tap  Tip  Tap  Tip…

The man was afraid. but then the noises changed ; we heard the opening of another door. Slowly opening. The seconds that this noise lasted were like ages to the man. And then the person in the corridor started walking along the corridor leading to the kitchen. As the noises amplified, they were going faster and faster and faster. The man was holding his breath. Then the last final door started opening. The man almost died of a heart attack. And then nothing. Nothing but a little noise : mouahahahahaha. Well ok it was quite loud. And then a person entered the room. He was all dressed in black. He said : « this is your last moment Jeff, say your goodbyes ». But there was a problem. The man realized it : his name WASN’T Jeff. so he said : « Wait ! my name isnt Jeff but Theodore ». And then the black man said : « oh wait this isnt the 44 Roller St ? ». And the other man responded : of course it’s not, this is 44A Roller St., the A just felt. And so the black man said : « Oh I am really sorry I went to the wrong house. Have a nice day and replace the A ! » and he left the house. He then walked to the REAL 44 Roller St., and entered. And then… but wait,  this story is for another day. It’s already enough for today. Good night kids, don’t have nightmares ! *light turning down*

Achille D. (4A)

A  School Ccamp Tragedy

Our school organised a scavenger-hunt game night. It happened on the last night of the school camp. It was terribly dark, rainy, quiet and scary. We went to a forest where we were supposed to play the game, when the first team hid and was discovered by the second team, the teachers realized 2 girls went missing. They talked about it quietly but everyone knew something was wrong. We had to return to the camp where two of the teachers stayed with us, the rest went searching for the two girls all over the forest. After an hour they found one of the girls scared, wet, lying under a tree. She said that her friend was taken by three people in the north direction. Suddenly a lightning illuminated the forest, a storm was coming up. When the police arrived they started searching in the deep forest. They found an abandoned old house when they stepped in, they heard a scream coming from the back of the house, the police rushed that way and saw 4 persons running away, three of them were adults and one a child . One of the policemen managed to catch up to the fugitives and ripped the girl out of their hands. The 3 people mysteriously disappeared but the girl was safe. The police team searched the house and found 46 kids trapped in the basement. It turned out that those people were profesional kidnappers and specialized in selling children’s organs on the black market. Those three guys were never found. 

Who knows, maybe they were women. Some people think it was the president of the United States. No one  will ever be sure but what I’m sure of is that that night will remain in my memory forever.

Stefan D. and Patryk T. (4C) 

 Darkest Depths 

The day was Thursday the 23th of January of 2020. I loved Thursdays, as they were the day of the week where I finished school at 1pm. When I got home, after having Noodles for lunch, I had this feeling of extreme boredom. Everything just seemed meaningless and I had absolutely nothing to do. I spent 4 or 5 hours just being bored. I’m so bored I actually check the news. It seems the world is bored too. The main headline was “LOCKDOWN IN CHINESE CITY WUHAN BEGINS”. That was obviously just another of those things that was going to go away after a few days similar to every time NASA reports an asteroid having chances of colliding with earth. I ignored it and scrolled down a bit more. I then saw a headline that said “POLISH MAN FINDS ANCIENT PIRATE’S HIDDEN TREASURE BURIED IN HIS GARDEN”. Obviously, since I live in Poland this sparked my curiosity. I opened the article and it went something like: “Janusz Jakobski, 33 was enjoying Polish winter in his backyard when his dog dug up an Ancient Treasure from Pirate Kazimierz Lux, specialists value the treasure at over 750 million $. It is also estimated that there could be more similar treasures” I did a bit of research on the now billionaire Janusz Jakobski and apparently he lived not too far from me. Meaning that there could be a treasure near me! I got excited at the idea of being the richest 12 year old on earth and possibly the richest kid in Poland so I got straight to excavating my backyard. Actually, I didn’t get straight to it, I waited for night-time so that my parents wouldn’t get mad at me at the sight of an excavation site in their backyard. So anyways, I was in bed, half awake, everything was dark, it was about 10:30 PM. I heard the noise of my dad brushing teeth with his record-holding loud toothbrush and I knew it was almost time to go. When I saw from the crack under my door that they had turned the lights off, I got out of bed, snuck down to the garage, grabbed myself a shovel and a flashlight and went into the backyard. I got to work immediately, I had no time to lose. The time was now 11:13 at night. I was quite slow at first, having never actually dug anything other than sand at the beach prior to that moment but after a while I got the hang of it. I got quicker and quicker as the night went. As time passed all lights in the neighborhood got turned off, one by one. Except of course the one lazy neighbor who still hadn’t taken down his Christmas tree. So anyways, it was about 12:45, I had dug up half a centimeter of the garden and I realised that I needed to bet on one spot or else I was never going to find a Treasure. So that’s what I did. I chose a pretty central area of the garden that I would focus on. One hour after that I had gotten about 3 centimeters deep, which is actually not bad. I continued all night. It was now around 3 AM. I was at a level of tiredness that I had never felt before. I shoved my shovel into the ground violently and the ground under it just… crumbled. Obviously I knew that that wasn’t a treasure but it was still definitely interesting whatever it was. At least I didn’t dig all night to find nothing, right? So anyways without jumping in I quickly inspected the entrance I had just found. It seemed to be some sort of cave. Anyways, I have no idea why, aside from maybe the fact that I hadn’t slept in 24 hours, I jumped in to get a better look. I have absolutely no idea why I didn’t think that there probably wasn’t a way out but for some reason I did. Anyways when I was in, I realised the mistake I had just made. I stood there wondering how I could get out. It came to my attention that I did not bring a ladder down so unless I found something I was stuck there. I quickly shone my flashlight around to see what there was, and I realised just how weird of a cave I had fallen into. Before I had time to even process the details I heard a very very very loud weird sound that was very alien. I had never heard it before, it sounded like something with an extremely dry throat trying to screech but its voice was changing tone all the time. I dropped the flashlight immediately and hid in a corner. A few seconds after the screech, some weird, thick vines started to grow over the whole that I entered from. I was now stuck. After a good 5 minutes of searching the floor I found my flashlight. It was actually really hard seeing that this cave was literally darker than a black hole. I turned on my flashlight to see where I was going and again, I heard that same hellish screech. I didn’t care about it though and kept going, otherwise I was never going to get out. I slowly advanced and was able to observe the cave I was in. The ceiling, walls and floor were made of this weird extremely dark turquoise material. THe ceiling was dripping drops of something. It was definitely not water, that’s for sure. I was not going to touch that obviously because who knew what that might have been made of. On the ceiling there were these thick dark blue vines covering it up. On the walls there were these bats sleeping, that had been sleeping for who knows how long. I accidentally woke one up. I thought nothing of it at first until it let out a higher pitched, shorter screech than I had heard previously. Again, I was actually relieved at first that the noise had come from a bat and I thought all the screeches were from bats. Until I heard extremely loud, heavy footsteps coming close and closer. I immediately turned the flashlight off and noticed that the bat’s eyes were light blue and glowing in the dark which was cool, but it was staring right at me. I couldn’t tell if that was perspective playing tricks on me but I was terribly frightened. The footsteps were getting closer but also getting slower. Then at one point, I saw it. I saw a gigantic black outline that was even darker than the cave itself. It had the shape of a giant ogre with antennas like deers. The footsteps stopped. It was not more than 5 meters away from me. I glued myself to a wall in hopes it wouldn’t see me. That was a bad idea. The second I stepped it’s antennas lit up and revealed what it looked like. It was dark turquoise, like the rest of the cave with a giant mouth and its skull was popping out of the top of its head. It had no visible eyes and the antennas when lit up were light blue like the bat’s eyes. I froze. It very slowly moved towards me. Could it see me? It didn’t have eyes though, how could it? Had I disturbed its sleep? Most likely. It was definitely looking for me after I had stepped. It continued slowly advancing towards me. I stood still. It was definitely closer than a meter away from me, and I threw a coin I had in my pocket to distract it. Again the antennas lit up and it then started moving towards where it had heard the coin. I understood that it chased anything that made a sound. I threw a coin even further away than the last one. Then I started to sneak deeper into the cave as quietly as possible. I was already about 20 meters away from him now so I was feeling quite safe. Until I tripped on a vine. When I fell the antennas lit up again but also the vine under me lit up with that same glowing light blue color. It redid the awful screech but this time it was a lot more violent. I tried throwing a coin but obviously I couldn’t throw farther than 20 meters. I thought that would distract him but it didn’t. If anything it made him more mad, it  was getting faster and faster the closer it was getting to me. Now I turned on the flashlight and I sprinted as fast as I could. But having a flashlight made it even more angry. It was just getting faster and faster and it started catching up on me. As I run all the strange bats in a nearby area awake and start flying over my head. I attempted the coin trick again but I was running out of coins and anyways it wasn’t working. Then the worst thing happened: I hit a dead end. I turned around and shone the flashlight on it. I could now see it in full detail. Its head was basically half mouth half dark turquoise hair. In its chest I could see its heart and ribcage. The blood going in and out of the heart was dark blue like the rest of the monster. It had very long arms and legs. Many parts of its skin were torn out, revealing some very thick bones. It left out another one of those screeches but it was slowing down. The light seemed to distract it, even though it didn’t have eyes. But one of the bats understood that it was the flashlight making light so it grabbed it and flew away. I was surely doomed now. It kept moving towards me slowly. As quietly as I possibly could, I snuck to the wall of this cave. Strangely it kept going forward as if it hadn’t noticed my change of position. I started slowly going back where the chase had begun. It kept going towards where the flashlight was (the bat had dropped it). Its mouth opened even more than it already was, revealing some big light blue glowing teeth, it bent over and ate the flashlight. At that moment, its When it ate the flashlight its heart started glowing and then all the vines started lighting up one by one. I stayed still, hoping it didn’t know where I was. It’s heart was now actually beating, really loudly. It started to lay down and after 30 minutes, it was asleep. I took the occasion to sleep too. I am now awake. Still in this cave, writing in my journal. I guess after 2 days of being in a cave you learn to see in the dark. I kind of learned my way around this cave. I can hear sounds above me from the outside world, hopefully they won’t wake up the beast. Now I’m hearing some hitting sounds above me, it’s quite loud. Then I suddenly see a blinding light coming from above. I literally can’t see because it’s so bright. I hear some people speaking Polish but I don’t know what they were saying. Then I realise that they’re rescuing me. At first I’m so happy but then I realise they might wake up the beast. I tell them to be quiet but they didn’t speak Eenglish so they didn’t understand. Then I hear the screech. I see the monster come towards them and me. It’s running at full speed. The vines grow over the hole and the monster is getting closer and closer…

Edoardo G. (4A)

The Invisible Hand

I was sitting on my bed, holding a book in my hands, which I had begun reading the day before. My bedside lamp was switched on and my cat was lying next to me. Outside, the rain was drumming against the window which wasn’t an unusual thing as climate change made itself felt. “The snow is going to melt” I told myself, sad to let this rare, white and powdery blanket fade away. I felt secure in my small room, far away from nature’s furies.

He looked through the window. The night was darker than ever. Only a few navy blue clouds broke through the darkness of the night. On the horizon one could see this eerie manor. Several legends had grown up around it. A gloomy atmosphere surrounded the manor…and when the fog was thick enough, it got even more mysterious. Tonight the full moon was shining just behind the north turret of the manor and ravens were circling around it.

Despite the wind blowing outside I tried to continue reading and to investigate what had happened next. What do they always say in fairy tales? “The ghosts come out at midnight” and I was only now beginning to understand what it felt like. My gaze wandered between the window of my bedroom and page 313 of this strange book. “No, I will first open the window to let go of this atmosphere”, I told myself and got up to my feet to open the window wide. A bunch of leaves hit me right in the face and I staggered. Then a breeze brushed my face for a second, before I decided to close the window (which creaked in its frame) again. Seconds later a puddle of water was on the floor of my room. My cat jumped off the bed. Its black fur and its scar over the right eye were its characteristics. Nobody had wanted this cat, so I took it back home and have not regretted it as the cat’s softness was incomparable. As I saw the puddle on the floor, I began to panic and my heart started to beat hard… 

I sat down on my bed again. My blanket was crumpled, surely because I became more and more worried. I was not paying full attention to my book anymore as I was completely absorbed by my thoughts. Exactly at this moment, a strange feeling dawned on me. I felt as if someone had hit me. What could it be? From the corner of my eye, I saw that the book seemed to pulse, to beat. With its thick green cover the book seemed like an attractive element in my room, whereas everything else seemed so common and simple. All of a sudden, the pages turned by themselves so that they quickly came down to the last one. 

Was I having a dream? Probably, yes.. Nevertheless the answer which I had given myself did not convince me nor did it lessen my anxiety increase nor, strangely enough, my curiosity, either. I dared to lean over the book…my fingernails cramped in the mattress…the danger was coming closer with every single one of my movements…I felt lost. My heart beat violently, my blood raced through my veins and my head began to hurt badly. Suddenly a stain appeared on the last page of the book. Probably a drop of sweat. Slowly my shaky index finger wandered over the lines of the page. The lines undulated with each of my uncertain movements. I was going to remove my hand, when an unknown force, some kind of a ghostly hand grabbed me by my wrist in a fleeting gesture. Its pressure was strong, persistent and frozen. At this moment my cat’s green eyes seemed to glow in the darkness of the night. Unable to react with my other hand I tried to draw back my hand under the pressure of this invisible force…what exactly could it be? My efforts were useless. Suddenly, my hand was free again.

“I’m getting crazy”, I thought to myself. My cat meowed heartbreakingly, jumped and landed on my knees. At least it gave me some comfort. I took another quick look at the mysterious book which still lay open on my bed. The stain had shrunk but had now turned green. The lines of the text were in their usual place…I did not know how this had happened and would probably never find out. Without doubt I was tired. The night was freezing cold. An owl was hooting. Would the green eyes of my cat have a direct relationship with this invisible force?

The next morning at sunrise I was still shivering. I had stayed awake all night, going through the nightly events in my head. No one would believe me. Everybody would say that I was crazy. In fact under the grip of this invisible pressure I had felt something real. A physical proof.

Florence, my flatmate, knocked at my door…”Hi! Is everything alright? I’ve made breakfast for us. It’s nine o’clock”. Florence always understood me. Her good mood and her laughter made anyone happy. We had known each other since middle school. As I did not answer Florence asked me: “Are you coming?”. “Sure. Thanks! I’m just getting dressed”, I replied. The smell of fresh milk cheered me up. Still worried and uncertain, I felt uneasy. Had I dreamed? I pushed the mysterious book aside so as to make my bed. Next to the last line of the page where I had stopped reading the night before, I could read “Suddenly, without being able to explain it, an invisible hand, coming out of nothing, caught him in a quick and fleeting movement. » Had I undergone the same experience under the influence of this book? I shall never find out…

Inès H (4A)

The Woods

Gasping, she ran as quick and as far as her legs could carry her, tripping over the roots and slipping on mud. She couldn’t see a thing since she was covered in dead leaves and dirt. She had lost her glasses a long time ago, probably broken and buried in the dirt.

She feared for her life, trying to find some sort of civilization but the woods were too dark and overgrown. Too afraid of looking behind her she ran until her legs finally gave out on her. Out of breath she looked around terrified of what she might see.

Shaking from fear and exhaustion she pulled herself next to a tree, realizing that the woods were quiet, no sound of the leaves rustling or her footsteps hitting the ground. It was dead silent. After a few minutes of scanning the area around her she decided to pick herself up, but once she tried taking one step she heard the wind gushing past her right ear and felt a presence. Searching the perimeter for any living creature, hoping that it was just a bad prank or a nightmare. A few minutes passed and she tried to take another step but this time she heard something whisper in her left ear, frozen from fear of what she might see. She didn’t turn around for what seemed like hours. Taking all the courage she had left she slowly turned her head to see a tall pale figure looking down at her…

Marion H. (4C)

                          Big Smoke

In the small town of San Andreas, CJ was having dinner with his friend Rrider. It was night and scary outside, CJ said “ Hey Rider did you hear something?” Rider said “yes let’s go outside and have a look”.

CJ was scared but didn’t want to come out dumb in front of his friend, He went  out. Rider went further in the dark and CJ started panicking “ Hey Rider I can’t see you!”. No response. 

Then CJ heard a little noise, someone talking. He went near and saw Big smoke ordering a number 9 large, he said: “Hey,  Smoke ! Did you see Rider ?”

Big smoke said : “No I didn’t, you are looking for him?”


“Come into my car”, said big Smoke.

“Why ?”

“Just come.”

CJ entered the car without questioning, he wasn’t scared. Big Ssmoke was his longtime friend. 

Smoke was riding in the woods, they were a little far away from town.

CJ started feeling uncomfortable,something was smelling in the car he didn’t know, a horrible smell.

 CJ asked : “You know what happened to Rider ?”

“You want to know?” Smoke said

“Tell me” 

“Look behind you.”

He started slowly turning around to look at what was in the back and saw Rider’s dead body full of blood on the ground.

Viktor J. (4A)

     I looked up at the black sky. I didn’t intend to be late. The sun was setting, and I knew that I would have to take a shortcut in order to get to this job interview on time. I knew that it would be a dark walk home. I decided that traveling through the woods would be the fastest return trip. A few minutes had passed, but it seemed as though it had been several hours. The forest was dark and gloomy. Because of my stuffy air, I had to hold my breath. The only sound I was familiar with was the sound of my heart beating. A bone-chilling gust of wind passed by and it felt as if it was passed through my chest. Then suddenly out of nowhere a blood curdling cry was emitted from somewhere in the woods.I looked around but saw nothing. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and when I opened them I saw two yellow dots. No dozens, about a hundred metres away from me. They looked like wolves eyes but they were too high up to be wolves. They started to move slowly towards me but I was too paralyzed out of fear to move. They crept closer and closer and when they were around twenty metres away I came to my senses and decided it was not in my best interest to stay there. I high-tailed it out of there and never returned. 

Charles K-S. (4A)

The Path to Nowhere

It was a night darker than ever. He found himself standing in front of a huge abandoned castle. The wind was whistling through his ears and the moonlight was illuminating the path to the entrance. He felt a strange need to go in. So he slowly started walking up. The closer he went the wider the door opened. His steps were becoming louder and louder while he was walking through the cold hallways of the castle. Suddenly a door appeared on his left hand side. The urge to open it was extremely strong. So he grabbed the handle and accompanied by a squeaky yet quiet sound, opened the door. 

The room was small. He felt lost and confused. What was he searching for? He heard a sound of a door closing behind him, so he turned around and saw that the door that he had entered through had disappeared. He could smell a strange smell and began feeling the presence of someone else, but couldn’t see anyone. Very disturbed he looked around the room and suddenly saw another door opening. Once again, despite the shivers going through his whole body, he stepped into the next room. This room was bigger, gloomier and even darker than the previous one. It was filled with a lot of random objects like gold cups, an old bike, old wooden chests, rolled carpets standing against the wall but there were no doors.

He suddenly felt a cold breeze as if something flew past him. Was it a ghost? Is that even possible? He couldn’t bear the feeling of looking for something without knowing what it is anymore so he sat down on the floor and started staring at the walls. How did I even get here? he thought to himself. What do I do now? In that moment a bunch of leaves started flying around him forming a tornado and then he saw it. The ghost. But in the blink of an eye it disappeared again… into thin air. Silence was now the only thing present in the room.

A few seconds later, the floor collapsed underneath him. He screamed. He was falling and couldn’t see any end until all of a sudden he landed on some grass.  He was in the garden of the castle. It was too dark to see anything but he could smell the plants and flowers. Suddenly something lit afar. He slowly got up and, drawn by the force of the light, tried to grab it. It was a stone. Once in his hand, it started shaking and shining brighter. He blinked and… Opening his eyes he realized that he was lying in his bed but felt as if he was still holding something in his hand. Immediately he took his hand out of the covers and saw… How was this even possible? 

Julia K. and Emma O.(4C)

The Woods

I was alone in the woods, I had missed my bus, my mom was coming to get me when she finished work in 2 hours . 

It was already dark, a cold winter evening.

The branch on the right of me just cracked. Weird sounds came from the bushes. I looked to the right and then looked to the left. I didn’t see anything, but I know that there must be something out there; there is no way the noise was made by the wind. I looked around, looked in every bush, and tree, trying to find where the noise was coming from. I had to find where the strange sound was coming from. I was so scared that something was going to come out of the bushes and attack me, and I wasn’t really fit so I couldn’t fight back or run. I was left standing there in the dark, scared to death. 

I was sitting in the dark when I felt something touch my back, I suddenly jumped and ran as fast as I could, didn’t look back, just ran. When I was out of breath, I looked back and hoped I wouldn’t see anyone or anything, I saw just what I had hoped for; nothing. I was terrified by what just happened, just stood there on the side of the road looking in the woods for the person that had just touched my back. I saw it, something in the woods, I saw it move between different trees and different bushes. He had a very tall figure, moved slowly as if it wanted me to see him, he was dressed in a long black robe, I couldn’t see his face. I stood there, petrified, couldn’t move a single muscle, I couldn’t even blink. He started to move closer and closer to me, my muscles weren’t responding to my brain’s instructions, that was when I saw his face, his eyes staring down at me. His eyes were white, he had no pupils, his face was so pale, he had a Chelsea smile, he had cut his lips to have a big smile. He was getting closer, he was two metres from me, that was when I started running, my body finally listened to me, I ran as I had never run before, I ran for so long not looking back nor stopping I just ran. I ran all the way to the city, without stopping, which was about five kilometres from where I was. It all happened so fast, I couldn’t tell if it was real or not, I really liked to believe it wasn’t. I went to my mom’s workplace and never told anyone about what had happened. I still see him sometimes, in my nightmares or when I go by the woods I always see something behind the trees, I always believe it’s the tree’s shadow.

Jan Paczesniak (4A]

5/01/1997/ Kate’s diary

Dear Diary, I haven’t been sharing a lot of my life with you recently, too much has been going on lately. As you already know I just moved into my college dorm. And everything was going great, until I got sick on Monday. I started having a fever, headaches and even hallucinations. As I was resting in my bed, I fell asleep. While sleeping I was having a dream, a grown up man was standing still in the middle of my dorm. I could barely see his body because of the darkness of the room, but what caught my attention were his glowing yellow eyes. I woke up the next day in the morning, a little disturbed by last night’s events but I got over it while still feeling sick. As the night was approaching and darkness started spreading I got ready for bed as usual, but I also lit a candle so its light made me feel even more secure. Here’s what’s weird , I had the exact same dream as the night before, except the fact that the man was standing even closer to my bed, but thanks to the light coming from the candle I could see the man a lot clearer. What really scared me was the fact that he was covered in blood around the neck while holding a long rope in his hands. On Wednesday I started feeling a bit better so I decided to work on my history project at the school library, and while doing some researches on some old year books of the school I found a class picture from 1967, you probably wonder why I’m telling you about this specific detail, well that’s because one of the students in the middle row of the picture looked highly similar to the guy I was dreaming about, something about his eyes made me feel uncomfortable. His name was Duke Fernandez. After asking a few people charged of the administration of the school I found out that Duke Fernandez commited suicide in the exact same dorm room I live at. I was terrified, so I then requested for my room to be changed. but I still had to spend one last night there.I knew Duke Fernandez was gonna hunt me in my dreams as usual. This time I was psychologically prepared to see him staring at me. But I wasn’t ready for him to be that close to me, his face was literally a few centimeters away from mine. And that’s when I saw in his eyes a deep need of vengeance,cruelty, and fear…  

The next day Kate was found dead in her room, she commited suicide with a rope that she hooked. There is a legend spreading around the college that whoever gets to live in the “suicidal room” is going to be haunted by Kate and Duke until he joins them.

Juliette T. (4C)

There once was a village in England where each Tuesday evening a man or woman was kidnapped from their home. The next morning they would be found dead on the main road with a piece of paper clenched in her hand with the name of the next victim.

It was a rainy Wednesday morning, William the village idiot was on his way to work when he spotted his friend George. He walked up to him and greeted him:

  • Goodmorning William, how’s it going?
  • Well you know… my name isn’t on the paper so Ii’d say it’s going pretty well.
  • Yes ! Poor James ! He only has a week to live anyway, have you seen the abnormal amount of crows in town lately?
  •  Really I didn’t notice. 

William and George spend the rest of their day working and exchanging the latest gossip.

The next few days went by in a blur. Until one dreary night, William was preparing to go to bed when he looked through his window and saw a big hideous crow. He decided to go outside and see if there were any more crows. As he stepped outside the crow suddenly leaped onto him and started to scratch his face. Luckily William was able to get the crow off of him leaving him with a scratch across his face. He then decided to follow the crow into the forest which surrounded the village.

Deep in the forest William was running, he didn’t know how much time had passed. Was it only five minutes or had it been already an hour. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a dimly lit fire. He  spotted it for a second but it was a second too long because when he turned back the crow was gone. He decided to approach the light, but what he saw he wasn’t ready for. It was George!

William couldn’t believe his eyes, he started to approached George but before he could take a step forward George spoke:

  • They are getting more annoying every day and soon I won’t be able to stand it, alas I shall wait a little while longer to get rid of them once and for all.

Taking advantage of the fact that George didn’t see him, William turned around and ran home.

The next day was the most stressful day of William’s life. His friend, whom he had known for so many years, was about to mureder another innocent victim. He needed to stop him to make sure it wouldn’t happen again. He had a plan that on Tuesday night he would go to George’s house to tie him up and when morning came he would tell the village what he knew.

On Tuesday evening William was seen carrying a long rope headed for George’s house. He slowly opened the door and entered. Lying next to the door was a sharp metal rod which William picked up just in case. He tiptoed to George’s bedroom and slowly opened the door.

Unfortunately for him the door creaked and George awoke.

William seized the rod and stabbed George. Blood began to spill out of the holes in his body, his clothes began to soak with blood and a scream from the pain came out of his mouth. It was truly a horrific scene. William couldn’t believe he could ever hurt someone and the thought of killing anyone never even appeared in his mind, his face turned pale because of how afraid he was. William dropped the metal rod and ran to the front door and slammed it behind him. 

He ran as fast as he could when he saw the most horrifying sight. James’s lifeless body was being carried through the air by gigantic black crows. At that moment William knew what George was talking about in the forest. He wasn’t talking about murdering humans, he was referring to the crows. 

William followed the crows to an abandoned house in the forest where they started feasting on James’s dead body.

Suddenly one of the crows spotted William and alerted the others. They all stopped what they were doing and flew out the windows and door. There were dozens of them. William ran as fast as he could but he knew the crows would catch up to him eventually. He spotted a small cave up ahead and ran towards it. He had barely any space but it would have to do. He spent the night there and when morning arrived he disappeared never to be seen or heard from again.    

Wiktoria N. (4B)  and Agata W. (4C)

The Paranormal Meeting 

January 15th 2015   

What was I doing there? It was one in the morning, I was in front of the old abandoned house of my neighborhood or may I say what was left of it. The whole mansion was huge and entirely black, all the walls had vines covering them, most of the windows were broken. In addition it was in the outskirts of the town. I came there because I was bored at home and couldn’t sleep but I wasn’t not sure if I still had the courage to go in. After a quick minute of rethinking the situation I was in I decided to just do it! When I arrived in front of the door I tried to open it but it wouldn’t budge. So I kicked with my foot and it swung open. The second I stepped a foot in I smelled the strong stench of mold and old wood. I wasn’t seeing where I was walking because it was pitch black so I took out my phone and used  its flashlight. Most of the remaining furniture was from another age and thrashed around in the different rooms. Just as I was making my way to the first floor I heard thunder and saw lightning outside. It started pouring. Now I was glad that I decided to stay or else I would’ve been in the rain outside. Upstairs each time I took a step on the wooden floor the floor boards would make a creaking sound. I froze in place when I saw a faint light coming from under the door at the end of the hallway. When I snapped out of my trance, I carefully approached the source of the luminosity. Taking a deep breath, I silently twisted the silver door knob and pushed  slightly open the door. I was beyond shocked from what I found inside. It was a guy my age sitting on the floor looking at his phone. When he felt my eyes on him he raised his head up and looked me straight in my eyes. His expression looked amused. I blushed instantaneously just looking at his handsome face. He spoke first: “ That’s unusual, normally nobody comes in here”. I responded by stuttering “ Well it’s a first for me. I myself thought that nobody would be here because of the rumors.” He chuckles “Oh yeah these, don’t you think they’re true?”. I said truthfully “ I think they’re just some fairy tales.” He looks hurt. “ Well if you think so I could show you wrong.” I started feeling a little stressed. “ Oh yeah how?” And just as I finished my sentence lightning struck  through the window and I realized that he had a huge knife in his hand. I screamed and immediately ran back downstairs but on my way there all the furniture moved in front of my path and blocks that didn’t stop me and I just jumped over it. Seeing me flee even with his weird paranormal powers to move furniture around. I heard his quick running steps close behind me. So I made a beeline to the front door but it was magically blocked. My last solution was to escape via the broken window. It worked, I just got a few deep cuts. Once I was outdoors I just sprinted straight ahead of me without looking back.

  Now that I’m writing all these events a day after all this happened I question myself on my sanity maybe the Oh So Great Elliot isn’t as sane as I think I am or all of this has happened and nobody will ever know. One thing that I promised myself is to keep it a secret as long as possible. I mean that should be easy because I already hide another huge secret…