Results of the French middle school exam (diplôme national du brevet or DNB) 2022

We are proud to share with you the outstanding results of our students for the French middle school exam (diplôme national du brevet or DNB).

Just as they did in previous years, our middle school students fared very well in their middle school exam.
Here are their results:

  • Out of 60 candidates, 57 passed the exam successfully = 95% success rate.
  • 53 were awarded honors (93% of successful candidates): 30 with highest honors (i.e. 53% of successful candidates), 18 with high honors (i.e. 32% of successful candidates) and 5 with honors (i.e. 9% of successful candidates). 

Congratulations to all, students and teachers, for these excellent results!
We also wish all our new graduates a wonderful summer break!