Middle school


The four-year middle school is the first stage of a two-tier secondary education. During this time students consolidate and deepen the knowledge they have acquired in various subjects (foreign languages, sciences, history, geography, fine arts and sports).

At the end of middle school, students graduate with the Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB), which certifies the completion of the first level in secondary education. The pass rate for this exam has been 100% for years.

Learning French is a major component of the school’s curriculum. Teaching is provided in French and classes are conducted by teachers certified by the Ministry of Education.

In science classes, the emphasis is put on the investigation process itself in order to develop students’ creativity, stimulate their critical sense, and arouse their curiosity as well as interest in scientific and technological progress.

Main areas of learning in middle school

  • using languages to think and communicate
  • methods and tools to learn effectively
  • becoming a committed citizen
  • natural systems and the technical world
  • representations of the world and human activity

The aim of the French curriculum in middle school is to help students acquire fundamental knowledge and skills for pursuing education in high school. Classes in human sciences, languages, and arts allow them to broaden their culture and to explore other systems of thoughts.

Three foreign languages in addition to French

We believe that learning languages is essential, both for the academic success and the personal development of the child. Trilingualism (French, English, and Polish) is an integral part of the daily life at the French primary school in Warsaw. Three foreign languages are offered in the curriculum (English, Polish, Spanish or German) and students can also take Latin classes.

The school offers many language courses and programs for all children’s needs: Polish as a native or foreign language, French as a foreign language for non-French children, and an International Polish program.

Optional activities

In order to integrate with the local community, the school organizes various educational projects such as school trips, cultural outings, sports competitions, etc.

In addition, we propose many activities and clubs in middle school, so students can develop their talents and discover new passions (school choir, sports association, etc.)


French school education is secular. No religious class is offered at the school and the curriculum focuses on transmitting civic and moral values, while respecting the diversity of religious beliefs.

Throughout the year, our students have the opportunity to take part in cultural, artistic and sports projects organized in partnership with local Polish organizations or other French schools belonging to the AEFE network: Talents Day, Music Day, “Żonkile” (daffodils) project of the POLIN Museum, CONVOI 77 project, School Football World Cup, Olympic and Paralympic Week, Orchestra of French High schools around the world, etc.

Time schedule

At the Middle school of the LFV, students start their day at 8.00 AM. Twice a day, they enjoy a recreation time which lasts 15 minutes, so they can relax. In the middle of the day, they have an one-hour break to eat lunch.

Classes end normally at 5.15 PM, depending on the number of optional activities and extra languages courses the student take part in.

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