Special enrollment program

Special enrollment program for non-French speakers

From the 2nd grade of preschool, pupils of the French School in Warsaw with little or no French-speaking skills can benefit from language courses for learning French as a Foreign language as part of the program FLSco (French as the language of schooling).

As soon as those new pupils start their education at the French School in Warsaw, a special enrollment program is put into place for one to two quarters. The support is provided in the classroom as a cointervention with the main teacher in order to facilitate the child’s understanding during school activities.

Individual or group French courses are also organized several times per week with a certified FLSco teacher in order to reinforce the child’s oral skills in French as well as language comprehension. During these sessions, non-French-speaking children learn French as a language of communication and acquire the necessary vocabulary for integrating fully into the French education curriculum.


A regular assessment of the child’s level of proficiency in French allows to gradually reduce the support provided according to the progress made.

Children can also participate in extracurricular activities provided by French language teachers, which can be a great addition to their learning process in a more playful way.