Like every year, the whole educational community of the LFV was called upon to compile the major events of the school year in the form of an album-book. This new release, a Centenary Special, brings back together in pictures the key moments of the school as well as the memories shared by students and teachers during the year.

The school year 2019-2020 has once again, and despite the lockdown, been marked by many events and educational projects thanks to the commitment of parents, students, and our teachers.
New projects have even emerged as part of the distance learning scheme, such as the Sadyba Art Gallery or the Science Challenges… During the summer, volunteers have worked hard to ensure that the Sadyba Vegetable Garden would still be created in this unusual context.
More than a tradition, this album-book is a testimony to the ever-renewed dynamism of our school, and we thank each and every one of you for your contributions.
Like last year, the books will be given directly to our students.
You can also discover the 2019/2020 yearbook of the Lycée Français de Varsovie below in a digital version :