LFV Career Forum: guidance counseling meeting for high schoolers

On 27th November, our high school students had the opportunity to participate in a Career Forum organized by the school. More than forty professionals from various sectors were able to exchange directly with the students about their career path and professional daily life.

The Career Forum is an important event for students in seconde to terminale grades. Organized every two years, it helps high schoolers build their career and study plans by meeting professionals from various sectors of activities.

This year, more than 40 professionals participated in the event. They represented both private and public sectors such as: science and engineering, health, architecture and real estate, finance, informatics and technologies, journalism, law, civil aviation, the hotel industry, culture, commerce, diplomacy, logistics, and the arts.

After a short presentation of the different professions, our students had the opportunity to ask our guests about their daily life, academic and professional paths, and the assets and difficulties of each profession.

Thanks to this meeting, some of our students were able to confirm or invalidate a study project. Others, especially in seconde grade, had the opportunity to discover inspiring career paths that will allow them to refine their study project in the future.

We warmly thank all the professionals who participated in this event for their time and commitment.