Results of the French middle school exam (diplôme national du brevet or DNB) 2021

We are pleased to announce that our students obtained this year excellent results for the French middle school exam (diplôme national du brevet or DNB).

Like last year, all our students who took their middle school exam were admitted. Congratulations to all!

  • 63 candidates admitted / 63 candidates registered = 100% success rate
  • 62 students received honors (98%): 40 with highest honors (i.e. 64% of those admitted), 16 with high honors (i.e. 26% of those admitted) and 6 with honors (10% of those admitted).

The French middle school exam evaluates the knowledge and skills acquired at the end of middle school. It consists in continuous assessment and final tests.

We also would like to thank our entire teaching staff for their commitment to the success of all students.